
As part of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade pro-ject (APS-U), the storage ring will be upgraded to a multibend achromat (MBA) lattice [1]. This upgrade will provide dramatically enhanced hard x-ray brightness and coherent flux to beamline experiments in comparison to the present machine. The accelerator physics require-ments for the upgrade impose very stringent alignment, assembly and installation tolerances and tight vibrational tolerances on the magnet support and alignment system designs. The short installation duration dictates a need for transporting groups of fully assembled magnet mod-ules into the storage ring enclosure while preserving magnet-to-magnet alignment. The current magnet sup-port and alignment systems preliminary design status for the APS-U storage ring will be presented along with an overview of the R&D program required to validate design performance. Magnet module transportation and installa-tion logistics will also be discussed.

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