
Preliminary distributions of the trace-elements Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V and Fe in the atmospheric aerosol of the Amazon Basin have been determined through samples collected from 23 August to 2 September 1980, at a remote place located in the Amazon Forest, about 30km NE of the city of Manaus. In all, 10 complete cascade impactor samples of 6-stage, Battelle model, have been exposed but only 8 with success, thus generating 48 samples. From these, 33 samples have been successfully analyzed by the PIXE method (Particle Induced X-Ray Emission), using particle beam of the Pelletron Accelerator of the University of Sào Paulo, and the results revealed that the trace-elements S and K have a noticeable predominance, mainly in the fine particle size range relative to the others. The high correlation factor found between the fine particle concentrations of S and K (0.96) support the assumption of their common airborne transport on the same particulates, originated from the gas-to-particle conversion of gases exuded by the trees of the forest, their only existing sources. Coarse airborne particles, of a probable soil origin, are also present but in unusally small amounts, as it was revealed by the Al, Si, Ca, Ti and Fe size distribution curves.

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