
Abstract The Irradiation System for High-Temperature Reactors (ISHTAR) thermostatic rig will be used to irradiate advanced core material samples in conditions corresponding to those prevailing in the high-temperature reactors (HTRs): these conditions include a stable temperature extending up to 1000°C in the helium atmosphere. Computational and experimental studies concerning the design have been conducted, proving the possibility of these conditions’ fulfillment inside the rig while maintaining the safety limits for MARIA research reactor. The outcome is the thermostatic rig design that will be implemented in the MARIA reactor. Appropriate irradiation temperature will be achieved by a combination of electric heating with the control system, gamma heating, and a helium insulation gap with precisely designed thickness. The ISHTAR rig will be placed inside the vertical irradiation channel, which is located in the reactor pool. The device is being developed from scratch at the Nuclear Facilities Operation Department of the National Centre for Nuclear Research as a part of the GOSPOSTRATEG programme.

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