
As a developing country, Indonesia still has a lot of urban slum areas. Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing create the KOTAKU program, City without Slum. To realize the KOTAKU objective, two projects were conducted the NSUP and the NUSP. Pasuruan City was given the NUSP-2 project, in 2016, covered 11 slum areas, dealt with community road, community sanitation, and community water supply. The success of the community road program had been evaluated. The program was relatively unsuccessful in a coastal area dominated by fisherman settlement. In the next to the coastal area dominated by supporting fishermen supporting an activity, the program was relatively fairly successful. While in urban slum areas dominated by middle-income families, the program was successful.


  • In developing countries, such as Indonesia, the Kampong Areas can still be found a lot in the urban residential area

  • This paper presents a preliminary analysis of the success of the communitybased community road program related to community characteristics, in Pasuruan City

  • The coastal area is dominated by Low Income Family (LIF), the next to coastal area starts to have a small proportion of Middle-Income Family (MIF) but has a lot of Low Income

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In developing countries, such as Indonesia, the Kampong Areas can still be found a lot in the urban residential area. This paper presents a preliminary analysis of the success of the communitybased community road program related to community characteristics, in Pasuruan City. RESEARCH METHOD The correlation analysis was done to obtain the correlation between the Implementation Area Main Characteristics with the Success Value. The analysis was done by pairing the Characteristics Value (categorical qualitative data) against the Success Value (ordinal data) (Dalati, 2018). The result will be an expression of the percentage of achieving certain Success Values for each Area Characteristics Value. This analysis is neither correlation, regression, nor paired comparison statistical analysis techniques (Zaid, 2015; Manuela, 2011)

Gadingrejo 2 3 4 5 6
10 Ngemplakrejo 11 Panggungrejo
Fisherman Residential
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