
Over 60 consulting reports authored by over 30 different US and Canadian consultants have been gathered from municipal agendas, court filings, and HOA members. The reports are analyzed with respect to tools, metrics, and criteria used to make findings and recommendations to city officials, HOA Boards, and lawsuit litigants. The reports range greatly in length and purpose, many with sound meter data, excerpts from municipal ordinances, and specifications for noise mitigation including setbacks, full enclosures, barriers, and equipment recommendations. Particular attention is given to the consultant’s choice of sound meter metrics and the attention or lack of attention to the impulsive nature of pickleball noise and applicability of ANSI Standard 12.9 Part 4. When a local ordinance is referenced, we examine whether the consultant limited the report to provisions specifying a decibel limit and excluded comment on the general nuisance and plainly audible standards that are often present. Anecdotes are drawn from the data to identify best practices and worst practices of the consultants and their reports. This paper may be useful to consultants in planning their future pickleball studies; useful in deciding whether to refer these projects to a more experienced pickleball noise boutique firm; and/or useful to attorneys in recognizing the challenges of using the consultant report in the litigation setting.

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