
Science learning in 21st century learning should be students-centered by emphasizing the direct experience of students be able to develop competencies and the ability to think. This requires students ability to be able apply the scientific method in finding knowledge based on the steps of science process skills. However, in reality students still haven’t been able to independently acquire knowledge by applying scientific methods, because learning process still not fully student-centered. Based on that problems, we need students worksheet that able to improve the attitude, knowledge and skills competencies of students. Student worksheets developed using approaches that could make students focus on developing their competence abilities. An introductory study was needed as a basis for designing the development of the students worksheet. The purpose of this study is to describe physics learning, teaching materials used in learning and the characteristics of students, which become preliminary studies to design the development of interactive student worksheets using the approach of science process skills. This research is a descriptive study, with sample are physics teachers and grade X students of two high schools in Padang. The instruments used consisted of student questionnaire, student needs analysis sheets and interview guide.

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