
Recently, the nonperturbative quantization scheme of loop quantum gravity has been extended to the Brans-Dicke theory and the corresponding loop quantum Brans-Dicke cosmology has been derived, which provides an essential platform to explore inflationary models in this framework. In this paper, we consider two inflation models, the Starobinsky and α-attractor inflation whose cosmological predictions are in excellent agreement with Planck data, and study systematically their pre-inflationary dynamics as well as the slow-roll inflation. We show that for both models, the background evolution of a flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker universe in general can be divided into three different phases: the pre-inflationary quantum phase, quantum-to-classical transition, and the slow-roll inflation. The pre-inflationary dynamics are dominated by the quantum geometry effects of loop quantum Brans-Dicke cosmology and the corresponding Universe could be either initially expanding or contracting, depending on the initial velocity of inflaton field. It is shown that the detailed evolution of pre-inflationary quantum phase also depend on specific inflation models. After the pre-inflationary quantum phase, the universe gradually evolves into the slow-roll inflation with some of initial conditions for Starobinsky and α-attractor potentials. In addition, to be consistent with observational data, we also find the restricted parameter space of initial conditions that could produce at least 60 e-folds during the slow-roll inflation.

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