
Tetraploid mouse embryos usually cease to develop early after implantation, though they can develop to blastocysts. To characterize the failure of development in detail, tetraploid mouse embryos at the preimplantation period were examined as to both their morphology and number of cells. The tetraploid embryos were produced by 12 hr treatment with cytochalasin B (CB) at the 2-cell stage of backcross of (C57BL/6 x C3H/He) F1 x C3H/He. The tetraploid embryos in the preimplantation period exhibited compaction at 72 hr after hCG injection and blastocyst formation at 96 hr, as well as diploid embryos, but the number of cells composing the embryos was significantly smaller than that in the diploid embryos. At the term 60-96 hr after hCG injection, mean cell cycles were 14.03 hr in the tetraploid embryos, but 12.02 hr in the diploid. When tetraploid embryos were transferred into the oviducts of pseudopregnant recipients immediately after CB treatment, the number of cells in tetraploid blastocysts was increased compared with the embryos cultured in vitro, though the number did not reach that of diploid embryos. These results suggested that compaction and blastocyst formation in preimplantation development of tetraploid embryos depended on the time after hCG injection, irrespective of the number of cells or the length of the cell cycle. The lengthening of the cell cycle in tetraploid embryos may be one of the causes of failure in postimplantation development.

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