
We may be pardoned for not being cosmopolite enough to judge books without any regard to their nationality. Too often, though Englishman may have contributed much to some important subject, no systematic English treatise sums up the evidence, so that our students have to depend too much on foreign books of reference. On the present subject of prehistoric archaeology, however, it is satisfactory that we have, in Sir John Lubbock's work, not only a good book of reference, but the best. Its well-known plan and argument need not be re-stated here, but it has to be pointed out that the present edition contains much important new matter, especially in the chapters relating to the Stone Age, Megalithic monuments, Cave-men, and the condition or modern savages. Prehistoric Times, as illustrated by Ancient Remains, and the Manners and Customs of Modern Savages. By Sir John Lubbock, &c. Second Edition. (London, 1869: Williams and Norgate.)

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