
Although admission to an intensive care unit during pregnancy is rare, pregnant women may become critically ill due to either obstetric or non-obstetric illness. Whilst critical illness due to obstetric reasons during the peripartum period (e.g. peripartum haemorrhage, HELLP-syndrome) is more common, it is also important to know how to care for critically ill pregnant women with non-obstetric illness (e.g. infection, cardiovascular diseases, neurological diseases, trauma). Physiological changes during pregnancy may affect critical care treatment, variation in standard and target values for blood pressure management or artificial ventilation. Pregnancy specific reference values in interpretation of blood chemistry are important issues to consider. The use of different drugs is inevitable in critical care, knowing which drugs are safe to use during the different stages of pregnancy is essential. Caring for mother and unborn child in the ICU is a challenge, open communication, ethical considerations and interdisciplinary as well as multiprofessional collaborations should be key points when caring for critically ill pregnant patients.

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