
Link of Video Abstract: https://youtu.be/H7Y7XoPOUAw Background: Uterine didelphys is an embryologic disorder that arises from the failure of Mullerian duct fusion. It is characterized by the presence of two distinct cervices, two vaginas, and two uterine horns. Obstetric complications may arise during pregnancy when uterine didelphys is present; these may include spontaneous abortion, premature labour, and fetal malpresentation. Case Presentation: A 25-year-old woman has been married for three years and had history of six gravid, zero parity, and five abortion. The patient had uterine didelphys. A fully septated uterus with double cervices and vaginas was found on pelvic magnetic resonance imaging. The patient arrived at the hospital at 27/28 weeks. Periodic sonograms demonstrated breech presentation and no (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) IUGR evidence. At 38/39 weeks, the patient was scheduled for cesarean surgery. Uterine didelphys morphology, pregnancy on the left side of the uterus, and the septum separating the left and right uterine cavities were all observed during the caesarean section. The newborn had three umbilical cords wrapped around his neck. The infant was female, 2800 grams, 48 cm, Apgar score 7-8, Ballard score (BS) 38 weeks, Lubchenco score (LS) p25-50. Conclusion: Antenatal care is required for investigating risks of uterine didelphys, including cervical incompetence, spontaneous abortion, and preterm birth, using serial sonograms to assess fetal well-being and cervical length.

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