
Effective connectivity, functional connectivity, and tractography were measured between 57 cortical frontal and somatosensory regions and the 360 cortical regions in the Human Connectome Project (HCP) multimodal parcellation atlas for 171 HCP participants. A ventral somatosensory stream connects from 3b and 3a via 1 and 2 and then via opercular and frontal opercular regions to the insula, which then connects to inferior parietal PF regions. This stream is implicated in "what"-related somatosensory processing of objects and of the body and in combining with visual inputs in PF. A dorsal "action" somatosensory stream connects from 3b and 3a via 1 and 2 to parietal area 5 and then 7. Inferior prefrontal regions have connectivity with the inferior temporal visual cortex and orbitofrontal cortex, are implicated in working memory for "what" processing streams, and provide connectivity to language systems, including 44, 45, 47l, TPOJ1, and superior temporal visual area. The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex regions that include area 46 have connectivity with parietal area 7 and somatosensory inferior parietal regions and are implicated in working memory for actions and planning. The dorsal prefrontal regions, including 8Ad and 8Av, have connectivity with visual regions of the inferior parietal cortex, including PGs and PGi, and are implicated in visual and auditory top-down attention.

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