
High-order propagating modes have been excited preferentially in strips at ultrasonic frequencies by utilizing the displacement configuration of the modes. A single propagating mode is excited by using a transducer exciter that approximates the displacement profile of the desired mode of propagation. The technique has been used experimentally to excite longitudinal and flexural modes in fused silica and aluminum strips. Results are presented for a 3-Mcps aluminum strip propagating the 2nd flexural mode, and a 15-Mcps fused silica strip propagating the 5th longitudinal mode. Discriminations of at least 20 dB to spurious modes are reported. The calculations of displacement profile and construction of the transducer exciter are discussed. A wide range of dispersive characteristics is available with the higher modes, which extends the useful frequency and delay range in device applications. [A portion of this work was performed at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Allentown, Pennsylvania.]

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