
Start with graph _G_<sub>0</sub> ≡ {_V_<sub>1</sub>, _V_<sub>2</sub>} with one edge connecting the two vertices _V_<sub>1</sub>, _V_<sub>2</sub>. Now create a new vertex _V_<sub>3</sub> and attach it (i.e., add an edge) to _V_<sub>1</sub> or _V_<sub>2</sub> with equal probability. Set _G_<sub>1</sub> ≡ {_V_<sub>1</sub>, _V_<sub>2</sub>, _V_<sub>3</sub>}. Let _G_<sub>n</sub> ≡ {_V_<sub>1</sub>, _V_<sub>2</sub>, . . . , _V_<sub>n+2</sub>} be the graph after _n_ steps, _n_ ≥ 0. For each _i_, 1 ≤ _i_ ≤ _n_+2, let _d_<sub> <em>n</em> </sub>(_i_) be the number of vertices in _G_<sub> <em>n</em> </sub> to which _V_<sub> <em>i</em> </sub> is connected. Now create a new vertex _V_<sub> <em>n</em>+3</sub> and attach it to _V_<sub> <em>i</em> </sub> in _G_<sub> <em>n</em> </sub> with probability proportional to _w_(_d_<sub> <em>n</em> </sub>(_i_)), 1 ≤ _i_ ≤ _n_+2, where _w_(·) is a function from _N_ ≡ {1, 2, 3, . . .} to (0,∞). In this paper, some results on behavior of the degree sequence {_d_<sub> <em>n</em> </sub>(_i_)}<sub> <em>n</em>≥1,<em>i</em>≥1</sub> and the empirical distribution <inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="uinm_a_10129150_o_ilf0001.gif"></inline-graphic> are derived. Our results indicate that the much discussed power-law growth of _d_<sub> <em>n</em> </sub>(_i_) and power law decay of <inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="uinm_a_10129150_o_ilf0002.gif"></inline-graphic> hold essentially only when the weight function _w_(·) is asymptotically linear. For example, if _w_(_x_) = _cx_<sup>2</sup> then for _i_ ≥ 1, lim<sub> <em>n</em> </sub>_d_<sub> <em>n</em> </sub>(_i_) exists and is finite with probability (w.p.) 1 and <inline-graphic xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="uinm_a_10129150_o_ilf0003.gif"></inline-graphic>, and if _w_(_x_) = _cx_<sup>p</sup>, 1/2 < _p_ < 1 then for _i_ ≥ 1, _d_<sub> <em>n</em> </sub>(_i_) grows like (log _n_)<sup>q</sup> where _q_ = (1 − _p_)<sup>−1</sup>. The main tool used in this paper is an embedding in continuous time of pure birth Markov chains.

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