
Abstract Ramirez, R. G., Sauceda, J. G., Narro, J. A. and Aranda, J. 1993. Preference indices for forage species grazed by Spanish goats on a semiarid shrubland in Mexico. J. Appl. Anim. Res., 3: 55–66. Botanical composition of diets of Spanish goats was studied on the Facultad de Agronomia, V. A N. L. Experimental Station with the objectives to determine monthly differences in preference indices of forage species grazed by Spanish goats on a blackbrush (Acacia rigidula) dominated shrubland. From June, 1988 to May, 1989, four esophageally fistulated mature goats were used to collect fistula extrusa samples. Botanical composition of the grazed area (25 ha) determined on 25 permanent line transects (10 m long), was 77, 15 and 8% shrubs, forbs and grasses, respectively. Contribution of shrubs, forbs and grasses to the annual diets averaged 83.4, 10.3 and 6.4%, respectively. Major shrubs in the annual diets were blackbrush (54. cenizo (Leucophyllum texanum) (16.7%), palo verde (Cercidium macrum) (3.8%), hackb...

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