
About Conference As a subject that is attached to multiple spatial aspects, geography plays a vital role in implementing sustainable development. Sustainable development has been a prominent issue and concern under one global agenda, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Instead of only the Economic aspect, environmental and social aspects need to be covered in a development agenda to support the sustainability of our planet and to diminish various consequences of excessive use of natural resources that surpass environmental carrying capacity. One fact that can be seen due to the imbalance of development is climate change. Due to this reason, the Department of Geography, Universitas Indonesia, intends to initiate the 2nd International Conference of Science and Applied Geography (ICOSAG) 2022.The participants of this conference vary from academics, practitioners and policymakers to enrich the information with scientific studies related to the consciousness of climate change topic and sustainable development, especially from a spatial point of view. ICOSAG 2022 is also expected to be one of many tools to accelerate the distribution of information and various activities related to the SDGs targeted to be achieved in 2030.The International Conference of Science and Applied Geography (ICOSAG) 2022 is organized to accommodate researchers who develop studies on:1. Spatial modeling application2. Applied physical geography3. Human geography and regional development4. Geography educationThe ICOSAG Forum is a forum to provide academic support for the sustainable use of spatial information that can be implemented in the future. Therefore, the Department of Geography, FMIPA, University of Indonesia invites researchers and scholars to jointly discuss the development of Geography in the International Conference of Science and Applied Geography forum.List of Objectives, Theme, Scopes, Speakers and Participants, Conference Program, Committees, s are available in this Pdf.

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