
The 7th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security in conjunction with 3rd International Conference on Green Development in Tropical Regions was successfully held on 29-30th October 2018 in Padang, Indonesia. The conference is organized in collaboration between SustaiN Society and Graduate Program of Andalas University (UNAND), Padang, Indonesia. The conference also in cooperation with Kyoto University (Japan), Institute of International Relations and Area Studies (IIRAS) Ritsumeikan University (Japan), Gajah Mada University (UGM), Hasanuddin University, Jember University, Indonesia Islamic University (UII), Brawijaya University, School of Government and Public Policy Indonesia, Research Center for Biomaterials LIPI, and Pusbindiklatren BAPPENAS. The conference was also supported by Center for Environmental Study/Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup UNAND, Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Yayasan Belantara, PT. Rekayasa Pratama Konsultan, PT. Bukit Asam, Sinar Mas Land, PT. Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia, PT Semen Padang, Bank Nagari, and PT Dharma Ina Mandiri.The conference brought the issue of “Sustainable Development: Global Challenges on Environmental Protection and Social Justice” and the objectives is providing a forum for international researchers, practitioners, public and private operators community to discuss, share and exchange their latest research and experience progress in relation with sustainable future issues; to develop and promote a sustainable networking between participants to hold human securities and bridging ideas into policies and desired realities; as well as to broaden information access for scientific communities toward global scientific, technology and engineering societies.List of sub topics are also available in this pdf.

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