
The Disaster Study Center Sebelas Maret University has successfully held an “International Conference on Disaster Management and Climate Change (ICoDMC)” via the online zoom system on September 4, 2021. ICoDMC aims to disseminate research results, various ideas on controlling environmental degradation and disaster management for a better life and providing input to the Government and other policy-making institutions in environmental and disaster management. The Theme of 2021 is Environment degradation and disaster management.ICoDMC invited great speakers who are very competent in the field of disaster and the environment, and they are Letnan Jendral TNI Ganip Warsito (Head of the National Disaster Management Agency), Prof. JC Gaillard (The University of Auckland, New Zealand), Prof. Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo (Center for Environment Remote). Sensing, Chiba University), Associate. Prof. Dr Mohd Hairy Ibrahim (UPSI Malaysia), Dr. (Cand). Sorja Koesuma, S.Si., M.Si. (Sebelas Maret University) and Dr. Rita Noviani, S.Si., M.Sc (Sebelas Maret University)List of Advisory Board, Steering Committee, Conference Chair, Conference Vice Chair, Editor Local Committee, are available in this pdf.

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