
Full Conference Title: The 1st Virtual Meeting on Deep Oil and Gas (VM Deep Oil&Gas 2020) Date of the Event: 30-31 July, 2020Location: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China Preface Due to the rapid development of technology and geo-science, more and more oil and gas resources at deep areas (i.e. ∼8000m) have been discovered. However, there are still a lot of issues to be studied in such deep circumstance. This meeting aims enrolling academic and industrial scholars for the meeting. However, the CoVID-19 pandemic has influenced the academic communication, and many meetings and conferences have been canceled, postponed or changed. The Virtual Meeting on Deep Oil and Gas was finally organized in fully on-line way through internet. Regardless of the pandemic, scholars communicated their understandings on academic/technical ideas on very specific topics of deep oil and gas. Scientific topics discussed in this conference include: □ 1. Fossil fuel resources of deep basin & exploration priorities.□ 2. Geochemistry of source rocks, petroleum accumulation and alteration.□ 3. Oil and gas generation and migration in High T-P circumstance.□ 4. Geophysical and geochemical integrated exploration in deep area.□ 5. Novel geochemical technologies and basin modelling.□ 6. Geochemistry and petrophysics of unconventional oil & gas.□ 7. Deep petroleum system and modeling.□ 8. Case studies in deep and ultra-deep explorations.The VM Deep Oil&Gas 2020 was proposed in May 12, 2019 after the 10th International Conference on Petroleum Geochemistry and Exploration in the Afro-Asian Region (AAAPG2019) held in Guangzhou, China. The main reason was that some presentations in AAAPG2019 showed rapid developments of technology and theories related to deep oil and gas. This meeting aims enrolling academic and industrial scholars for discussing edge progress on evaluating potentials of deep petroleum. However, due to the CoVID-19 pandemic, many academic meetings have been canceled, postponed or changed. One month prior to the meeting, the organizing committee decided to change the meeting into an on-line one, which has been proved an effective way by some international meetings. Because the topics of the proposed meeting are firmly connected with the explorations, the organizer would not like to postpone it. Some of the presenters are from oil industry and the postponing means the delay to communicate the latest progress on deep oil exploration and discussions.

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