
Welcome to the Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference of College of Science in Atmospheric Sciences (ISCCSAS-2023) May 3 – 4 2023, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq under the slogan “Sustainable lifestyle Development”. This is the second conference specializing in Atmospheric Sciences in Iraq. It aims to build scientific capabilities in atmospheric sciences, provide a scientific forum for researchers and specialists in the field of atmospheric sciences, and review the latest developments and research in this field. The Department of Atmospheric Sciences is the only unique department of this specialization among Iraqi universities. It has achieved many goals and contributed to the field of sustainable development and environmental systems; through the completion of the environmental park project, participation in afforestation campaigns, cultivation of green spaces, and the establishment of an educational weather observation station to monitor weather elements and an astronomical observatory followed by the Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) powered by solar energy and provides data on many weather elements and aerosols for the city of Baghdad, and the introduction of higher diploma studies in climate change, and work is continuing to achieve many strategic plans and to cooperate with government institutions such as the Ministry of Water Resources / National Water Center, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Transport and the Municipality of Baghdad. Today, the Department of Atmospheric Sciences concludes its achievements by holding its second specialized conference with the participation of many researchers from many Universities and research centers from inside and abroad in Iraq. All accepted papers will be published in the journal “IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science” which lies within the Scopus classification leading to improving the scientific reputation of the University. Because the conference included many participants, speakers, and researchers, from different countries of the world, some of the conference sessions were held online (virtual) using the google meet application and offline inside the halls of the Faculty of Science and the Department of Atmospheric Sciences. The conference shed light on some topics of atmospheric sciences to share views and experiences in the field of air pollution and weather events that occur all over the world due to climate change and to investigate the causes and how to adapt and mitigate them. The conference was also concerned with the use of geographic information systems (GIS) in atmospheric sciences for remote sensing, weather forecasts, and renewable energy. In conclusion, we are grateful for all the supporting, sponsoring, and supervising efforts of this conference, also we extend our gratitude to the preparatory, scientific, and electronic management committees and all the supporting committees that worked for a long time to success this conference a. Finally, we would like to thank all the researchers participated in this conference from inside and outside Iraq, wishing them success and for the conference to come up with recommendations that serve our society and country. May Allah grant everyone, peace, and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you. List of Editors Keynote Speakers, Scientific Committee, Organizing Committee are available in this pdf.

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