
The world has changing rapidly including Asia Pacific (AP) that is now the leading region of economic growth in the world and is enduring 5G & IoT digital revolution across the region according to the Market watch report in 2019. The terminology digital age has lead the main theme in the CITIES 2019 caused by its strategically being focus of the future development. This year theme, planning in the digital age era is bridging the needs of the IoT into urban planning dimension and leverage it into proceedings that will be useful in the future.CITIES conference is an annual conference event held by the Departement of Urban and Regional Planning. CITIES conference has a scale from national to international conference. CITIES conference had been held 7 (seven) times nationally and 5 (five) times Internationally in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018 and 2019. The purpose of this conference is to provide publications of all of the science and technology result based on research and planning practices. The past themes of the CITIES serial are:- Innovations In Spatial Planning Practices for Development and Decentralization (2005);- In Search of Integration: Between Planning and Spatial Programming (2008);- Toward Sustainable, Competitive, and Autonomous Spatial Planning (2009);- Facing the Future: Innovation In Planning Research and Practices (2010);- Spatial Planning Research Agenda for Sustainable and Just Urban and Regional Development (2011);- Facing Global Challenges In The Future Urban Sphere (2012);- Resilient Cities: Beyond mitigation, preparedness, response, dan recovery (2013);- Eco City, Utopia or Reality (2014);- Intelligent Planning Towards Smart Cities (2015);- Coastal Planning for Sustainable Maritime Development (2016)- Multi Persepectives on Peri-Urban Dynamics Towards Sustainable Developments (2017); and- Spatial Economics Transport Interaction for Sustainable Development (2018).We are happy that CITIES are now being one of the platform of publication in urban and regional planning field. Hopefully moving onwards we will be able to enhance the quality and quantity of the paper that presented in the CITIES conferences.CITIES INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEEUrban and Regional Planning DepartmentFaculty of Civil, Planning and Geo EngineeringInstitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya

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