
It is a great honour for us to be the host of the 3rd International Conference on Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics (FSSAT) on January 8th – 9th, 2021 at Agriculture Faculty of Hasanuddin University, Makassar City of South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This conference is a series of international scientific seminars held by the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia, which has been held annually since 2017.This conference was held as a forum for exchanging information on productivist paradigm in Indonesian food policies to feed 260 million people targets the self-sufficiency of rice, sago, corn, soybean, and meat production, including the infrastructure development such as dams, irrigation channels building, and the expansion of paddy and sago fields in the Eastern Indonesia. The unintended outcomes of these efforts are the marginalization of the local food system and dispossession of the local communities from their land and food culture. As a consequence, the human-environmental relationship has changed dramatically posing calamitous disaster and slowly disappearing foodways through local wisdom in everyday life of the local community. It also brings health issues due to the excessive use of chemical agricultural inputs in production, and the increase of degenerative disease and obesity due the unhealthy practices in the consumption level.The International Conference on Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics will be held every two years, the first in 2017, the second in 2019, and the third in 2021. The covid-19 conditions that have hit the whole world have resulted in restrictions on activities to reduce the spread of Covid-19 sufferers so that the conference model from the form of a live conference has turned into a virtual conference.The condition of the Covid-19 pandemic has raised concerns about food security throughout the world, including Indonesia, through restrictions on community activities. Several things have implications for the existence of Covid-19, including the occurrence of a very significant supply chain disruption caused by a reduction in capacity to produce food, closing transportation routes so that it will slow down the distribution of food from producers to consumers. The inability of people to consume enough healthy and nutritious food will reduce the immune system and increase disease risk. Thus ensuring an affordable food supply chain is essential during the Covid-19 outbreak. To solve this problem globally, cooperation is needed that involves scientists, academics, practitioners, professionals, governments, entrepreneurs, and communities across countries. To build a network between stakeholders, an international conference held by the Hasanuddin University Faculty of Agriculture in 2021 is important as a forum for building connectivity between researchers and/or research institutions. At this conference, a multi-disciplinary approach based on the knowledge and experience of scientists, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers will be brought together.If the meeting cannot be held virtually, then solutions in dealing with the food crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic will not find a way out and add to the length of the crisis period chain.This conference presents keynote speakers from 5 countries, namely Dr. Ir. Bayu Krisnamurthi, M.Si.from IPB University, Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumbangan Baja, M.Phil from Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia, Prof. Takuya Sugahara from Ehime Univerity, Japan, Dr. Ravindra C Joshi from CABI South-East Asia, Dr. Lau Wei Hong form University Putra Malaysia, Mr. Moh, Guo-Jhong from ICDF Taiwan. First plenary session and discussion with 2 speakers for 1 hour and the second plenary and discussion with 3 speakers for 2 hours. For participant presentations (oral presentation and video presentation) it was held in 2 sessions, each session was divided into 10 rooms. The number of participants per room was 11-14 participants with an allocation of presentations for 7 minutes/participants conducted in parallel as many as 7 parallel sessions. Discussions session were held in parallel in each parallel session with an allocation of 3 minutes per participant. Virtual FSSAT 3 implementation using the zoom meeting application by the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Hasanuddin has which is obtained by subscription.List of COMMITTEES, EDITORS & REVIEWERS are available in this pdf.

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