
The 45th Vietnam Conference on Theoretical Physics (VCTP-45) was held during 12-14 October 2020 in Vinh Yen city, Vinh Phuc province, Viet Nam.The VCTP-45 was organized by the Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) under the auspices of the Vietnamese Theoretical Physics Society (VTPS).The VCTP, formerly known as NCTP, has been an annual activity of VTPS for 45 years. The VCTP is aimed to be an international conference for physicists in Vietnam, in the region and worldwide. Our mission is to foster scientific exchanges and to promote a high-standard level of research and education in Vietnam and in South East Asia.The conference covered a wide range of theoretical physics topics from 4 major fields:•Particle, nuclear and astro-physics,•Molecular physics, quantum optics and quantum computation,•Condensed matter physics,•Soft matter, biological and interdisciplinary physics.The conference was divided into one opening session, 10 oral sessions and 2 poster sessions separated by coffee and lunch breaks. The duration of an invited talk is 30 minutes including time for discussion. The duration of an oral talk is 20 minutes including time for discussion.Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the conference was organized in a hybrid mode with both offline and online participation methods. The offline participation took place at the conference site, whereas the online participation was given over video conferencing. The Zoom and Microsoft Meeting softwares were used for the online participation and for broadcasting the offline sessions online. Poster presenters were requested to upload their posters on the conference website prior to the conference sessions. In general, both participation methods worked well except some limitations of the online method, such as for taking part in discussions. Due to international travel bans/restrictions, we did not have participants coming from abroad. There were, however, 3 participants who are from Japan and Philippines but working in Vietnam.150 participants participated in the conference including 98 offline and 52 online participants. 8 invited talks, 25 oral and 98 poster contributions were presented.This volume contains selected papers contributed by the participants.Editors of the VCTP-45 ProceedingsTrinh Xuan Hoang, Institute of Physics, VAST, hoang@iop.vast.ac.vn Hoang Anh Tuan, Institute of Physics, VAST, hatuan@iop.vast.ac.vn Vu Ngoc Tuoc, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, tuoc.vungoc@hust.edu.vn https://iop.vast.ac.vn/theor/conferences/nctp/45Organizer, logo, photos, List of Participants, Online participants, are available in the pdf

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