
The 8th Edition of International Conference on Intelligent Textiles and Mass Customization (ITMC 2022), which was held at the beautiful city of Montreal (Canada), from the 21st to the 23rd of September 2021, targeted guests from various branches and disciplines related to the textile industry. Its interdisciplinary approach is the key to maximizing the potential and development of textile materials and tools for various applications. The purpose of the conference is to explore new ideas, effective solutions and collaborative partnerships for business growth by catalyzing the creation of a beneficial synergy between designers, manufacturers, suppliers and end users of all sectors and making full use of this potential.The International Conference on Intelligent Textiles and Mass Customization (ITMC) meets every two years, where the organization rotates among the 5 coordinating countries (Belgium, Canada, France, Japan and Morocco). On behalf of the Conference organizers, we are honored to invite all interested business, research institutions and organizations from around the globe to participate in a lively exchange of ideas and experiences featured at the ITMC2022 Conference.ITMC conference themes are axed on intelligent textiles and mass customization. During two days, Inspiring speakers from industries, academies, governments and societies have shined the light over new chances and challenges, bringing global statistics and success stories about cutting edge science and technology. The innovation brought to the table of discussion will bloom through cooperation, policy, education and training and rise via an outstanding interaction between speakers and participants, guaranteed through Novel IT tools. Participants were also invited to show their prototypes during the Smart Textiles Salon.

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