
Preface of the 5th International Conference on Applied Physics, Simulation and Computing (APSAC 2021), Salerno, Italy, September 3-5, 2021 The 5th International Conference on Applied Physics, Simulation and Computing (APSAC 2021) was held online from September 3rd to September 5th, 2021 for safety reasons that are related to the sanitary emergency conditions that every country has taken in order to fight against coronavirus and for the preservation of the public health.Virtual conference rooms were arranged, on the Microsoft Teams platform, in which participants could attend live or recorded presentations, interacting with questions and answers.In line with the tradition of this conference, several professors, researchers, scholars and students shared their latest research results on the topics of the conference.The direction of the event was at the University of Salerno. The Applied Physics Laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, was the headquarter of the local organizing committee, that handled the schedule of the presentations and chaired the sessions. The conference program included regular and special sessions divided by topics in order to increase the quality of the discussions.In addition, the conference hosted two reputable events, the 2nd International Workshop on “MOdelling, SImulation and DAta Analysis in Engineering and Physics Applications” (MOSIDA21) and the 2nd edition of the International Symposium on “Sustainable Construction” (SustaCon21).There were more than 100 participants, considering lecturers, presenters, co-authors and attendants, coming from many academic and scientific institutions from all over the world. The range of topics increased, bringing this year novelties and new researches in the focus of the events.List of Organizing Committee, International Program Committee are available in this pdf.

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