
The first International Conference: Ecology and Biodiversity Across Time and Space (ICEBATS) 2018 was held at the School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang from the 15th to 16th August 2018. This conference encompassed a joint effort among Universiti Sains Malaysia, SEAL NET, and LIPI to address critical issues throughout the South East Asian regions particularly large scale anthropogenic activities that are unsustainable and could impact ecosystem function, biodiversity and the well-being of human populations. This conference was attended by 41 registered participants and served as a platform for researchers, scientists, managers, policymakers and local communities determined to find sustainable solutions to preserve natural resources and biodiversity of this unique region. As a result of diverse research backgrounds, we believe this conference proceeding covers many topics of significance for the reader. Contributions from authors feature findings from fields of ecology, biodiversity, mathematical and ecological modelling, technological and engineering approaches to resource and disaster management, sustainable potential of biocompounds, and human health among others. It is with hope that this proceeding will strengthen the basis for further research, cooperation and collaboration among various scientific disciplines in an effort to enhance the conservation and preservation of our natural resources and ecosystems in the South East Asian region.List of Conference Photograph, organizers and co-organizers are available in this pdf.

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