
The 7-th international conference “Modern problems of reservoirs and their catchments” was dedicated to the memory of Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Yuriy M. Matarzin; the 50th anniversary of the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Protection and the 100th anniversary of its founder – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Alexander S. Shklyaev.The conference has been organized by the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Protection once every two years at the Perm State University since 2005.The conference was held in the following sections:1. Hydro- and geodynamic processes.2. Water resources management.3. Water quality. Geoecology.4. Hydrobiology and ichthyology.The conference was held 30th May - 02nd June, 2019 and was attended by 195 participants from Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Tanzania. 96 participants made a report. The actual number of foreign participants is 14. Number of registered young conference participants is 61.The aim of the conference is to discuss the methodological and conceptual aspects of the reservoirs study and their catchment areas, problems of water resources and their rational use. During the work of sections, plenary sessions and informal communication, participants established new scientific contacts for further, including interdisciplinary research and international relation.The following fundamental scientific problems were discussed at the conference:- study of climate impact and anthropogenic impact on the formation of river flow and extreme hydrological events; analysis of reservoir floor evolution using mathematical modelling and GIS technologies;- water management and its economic approaches at the basin and local levels, including a study of the transboundary water use;- assessment of industrial and agricultural pollution of water resources using mathematical modelling and ecological and hydrogeochemical monitoring; analysis of the hydrological regime of nuclear cooling ponds and thermal power plants;- assessment of the qualitative composition and quantitative distribution of phyto- and zooplankton, the study of the ichthyofauna current state in water bodies and streams in Russia and abroad.Perm, Russia2nd June, 2019Vitaly G. Kalinin

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