
Tropical forests are extensive and consist of diverse forest types, with the most significant proportion of the world’s forest. However, tropical forests and their inhabitants are highly threatened by anthropological activities and the effects of climate change. Retaining and protecting remaining tropical forest areas from conversion to other land uses is crucial for environmental, cultural and forest product functions. Sustainable forest management principles and forest policies encompassing the forest functions must be supported by concerted research that produces practical solutions to various problems.Universiti Malaysia Sabah, through Faculty of Tropical Forestry, organized the Tropical Forestry 2021 (TF-2021) Virtual Conference for researchers involved in tropical forestry research to share significant findings and create opportunities for collaborations. Even though it is conducted virtually, due to COVID-19 and travel restrictions, the conference managed to gather local and international participations and presentations on their tropical forestry-related work. Among topics presented covered the conference topics of Forest Ecology and Conservation, Forest Management, Biodiversity and Genetic Conservation, Forest Policy and Economics, Forest Remote Sensing and GIS / Precision Forestry, Forest Protection, Forest Soil and Silviculture, Social Forestry, Nature Tourism and Recreation, Plantation Forestry, Agroforestry, Zoology and Wildlife, Wood Science, and Forest Products and Engineering.List of Editors, Organizing Committee TF-2021, List Of Participants are available in this pdf.

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