
The 5th International Conference on Nuclear Physics at Storage Rings, STORI ’02, was held in Uppsala, June 16–20, 2002. It was organized jointly by The Svedberg Laboratory and the Department of Radiation Sciences, Uppsala University. The conference was the fifth in a series that started in 1991 at Lund and was continued in 1994 at St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1996 at Bernkastel-Kues, Germany, and in 1999 at Bloomington, IN, USA.The STORI ’02 conference brought together physicists from a diverse international research community connected by the common technology of storage rings reviewing the topics of current interest in nuclear physics research with stored, cooled ion beams and electron beams. Specifically, the scientific programme of STORI ’02 focused on new results from a wide variety of experimental projects at existing stored-beam facilities, on progress in associated theoretical issues, and on discussions of new facilities and experimental techniques. The STORI ’02 conference also included a number of review talks on physics in neighbouring fields, e.g., atomic physics at storage rings, physics with stored particles in ion traps, crystalline ion beams.Of particular interest was the presentation of the proposed International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at GSI, Darmstadt. The accelerator complex includes, e.g., a new experimental storage ring, NESR, with electron–heavy-ion collider for structure research on unstable nuclei and a high-energy storage ring, HESR, intended for antiprotons up to 14 GeV. The experimental programmes foreseen for these storage rings will address a wide range of important issues in nuclear and particle physics, and keep the field in the physics front line for a long time.The conference programme was composed of six plenary sessions and a poster session. The meeting was attended by 77registered participants from 11 countries. The presentations included 12 invited review talks, 27 oral contributions and seven posters. These proceedings contain the written versions of most of the presented talks and posters. They have been slightly regrouped as compared to the order of presentation in the conference program in order to group together the papers according to subject, e.g., the poster papers have been placed within the corresponding subject block.We are very grateful to the members of the International Advisory Committee for the active and expert selection oftopics and invited speakers. The conference participants giving presentations in the form of invited talks, oral and poster contributions are particularly thanked for their efforts in keeping the high standards of the conference presentations and of the written versions.We would like to thank the members of the Local Organizing Committee for their contributions in preparing andrunning the conference; special thanks are due to Lars Westerberg for arranging the boat trip to Skokloster and theconference dinner at the Linné Garden. We appreciate also very much the support in different aspects of the conference given by Solveig Eriksson, Elin Hellbeck, Gun Lundin, Sofie Wessman and Catharina Åsbjörk.The conference was sponsored by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences through its Nobel Institute for Physics, theSwedish Research Council, the Wenner–Gren Foundations, Uppsala University and the City of Uppsala. Their generous financial support made the conference possible and successful.It was decided to arrange the next STORI conference at Jülich, Germany in 2005. It will be organized by IKP, FZ Jülich and headed by Hans Ströher.

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