
(word. doc) should be separate from the PDFs and include information about their virtual format if this is relevant. This information should include:• The reason(s) why the meeting will take/took place virtually (covid- 19/travel restrictions, etc). • The Forum was held both online and offline. All participants who took part offline provided vaccination certificates. The online forum was held for participants who did not have the opportunity to participate in the forum directly or to submit a report in person. Including, in order to be able for the majority of participants to participate in the Forum in a format convenient for them.• Location where the organisers will be/were. • The Forum was held on the premises of the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Almaty, Kazakhstan• The Model, for example, the plenary, the contributions, the time spent to deliver the talks by each speaker. • • The version of the poster or oral presentation was adopted as a model of reports, both online and offline. Plenary lectures were conducted both online and offline, through the presentation and oral presentation of the speaker. In each section, the time for a report was different, on average it ranged from 20 to 30 minutes.• The discussions, the feasibility, room for Q&A? • All questions and discussions were held in conference halls of 5 sections. Including online. Everyone could ask a question and get an answer, upon completion of the report, 10-15 minutes were allotted for this procedure.• The participants: location and the overall attendance number expected. • The participants took part in the forum on the territory of the Institute of Nuclear Physics. Within 5 days, more than 90% of the participants took part offline. There were more than 90 offline participants in total. In general, about 300 applications were accepted for participation in the forum.• The technology needed to deliver the meeting successfully. • The Forum was provided with the most modern technical equipment. Each section contained several projectors, computers and microphone sets for the participants. To ensure high parallelization of communication, high-speed Internet access was used for each 4G section.• Mention any technical difficulties. • • Technical difficulties during the forum were minor and were resolved as they arose. All forum participants appreciated the high level of technical equipment of the forum.• Mention any drawbacks in the delivery of the conference virtually, e.g. impact on the community. • No shortcomings were identified during the forum. The forum had an extremely positive impact on the public, which was mentioned in his speech for the journalists of the national channel, the chairman of the forum and the general director of the INP Batyrzhan Karakozov. Please make sure that the following information is included in the preface: l. The full list of committees names and affiliations which shall be published as part of the preface. Editors of proceedings, ORGANISING COMMITTEE, INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD, and ORGANIZED BY are available in the pdf.

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