
The Central European Symposium on Thermophysics (CEST) 2023 is a 5th scientific meeting whose scopes are thermophysical properties of materials, heat transfer, and the measurement of thermophysical and other transport properties of materials. It is a successor of the international conference Thermophysics that was organized annually since 1996. While Thermophysics was well-established and of long tradition, CEST provides a novel format in which one of the four co-chairs (R. Černý, Á. Lakatos, Z. Suchorab, and A. Trník) acts each year as the CEST chair and organizes the symposium in a different country. In 2023 it is jointly organized by• Department of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia.List of Committees, Organizers are available in the pdf.

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