
The global economic crisis occurred in 2008. The causes of the crisis are related to the economy of the United States. The crisis found its foothold within this economy, but it quickly spread its effects to the whole world. The crisis affected primarily the banking sector, given that the policy of low interest rates was in force at the time. The world economic crisis has left visible consequences in the Republic of Serbia. The beginning of the crisis in this area is related to 2008. After a decade of stabilizing the financial system, the whole world is once again facing a crisis of global proportions. The reason for this crisis lies in the epidemic of the coronavirus. The research in the paper established that the National Bank of Serbia also decided to apply unconventional measures, primarily quantitative reliefs and so-called helicopter money dropping program. The results of the measures can be presented through the analysis of the value of the monetary aggregates of selected countries. The fact is that the economic crisis that occurred after the health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic requires a quick reaction of monetary and fiscal policy, which was indisputably followed by analyzing a group of selected countries.

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