
The problem of population is one of the problems in the Province of West Sumatra, especially in the City of Padang, Kota Bukitinggi, and the City of Payakumbuh which has a very fast population growth rate, this occurs due to several factors such as births, deaths, residents who come, and residents who leave. The highest population growth occurred in Padang City in 2018 amounting to 939,112 residents and the smallest population growth occurred in the City of Bukitinggi in 2014 amounting to 120,491 residents. The purpose of this study is to predict population growth that will occur in 2019 in the cities of Padang, Bukittinggi and Payakumbuh. The method used in this research is descriptive correlational by applying backpropagation neural networks. The application used is Matlab. Based on the problems and methods obtained, the predicted results in 2019 in Padang City amounted to 124,7150, Bukittinggi numbered 126,8040 and Payakumbuh totaled 128.7830. Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Backpropagation, Matlab.

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