
This geographical condition is an important component in the development of tourism in Indonesia. Batam or "Great Batam" is one of the three main entrances of tourism in Indonesia, with the third largest tourist arrivals after Bali and Jakarta. the number of foreign tourists who enter the city of batam in 2014 as many as 1.435 million people with the dominance of tourists from singapore, not to mention the number of local tourists who enter the city of batam a number of 1.609 million in 2014With the high number of tourist arrivals to batam city. So it is necessary strategies and policies undertaken by the local government in the management and construction of facilities and infrastructure that can support the development and advancement of tourism in the city batam, with that it is necessary to calculate the policy on the development of facilities and infrastructure required by the tourists visit to batam city. Knowledge management one of them by using algorithm method C4.5 can be used by government, Government purpose applying Knowledge management is to keep the knowledge do not just disappear and can be sharing with other employee in other government to support decision making in constructing facilities and infrastructure needed for the number of tourist arrivals to the city batam increasing


  • This geographical condition is an important component in the development of tourism

  • the number of foreign tourists who enter the city of batam

  • mention the number of local tourists who enter the city of batam a number

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Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia dengan panjang pantai lebih dari 81.000 km, dengan 2/3 wilayah kedaulatannya merupakan perairan laut. Batam atau “Great Batam” merupakan salah satu dari tiga pintu masuk utama pariwisata di Indonesia, dengan kunjungan wisman terbesar ketiga setelah Bali dan Jakarta[2]. Sedangkan bila di Batam, wisman yang berkunjung 2 sebagian besar melalui pelabuhan laut seperti Batam Center, Sekupang, Harbour Bay, Marina, dan Nongsa Hal ini didukung dengan letaknya yang berada di jalur pelayaran internasional strategis dan berbatasan langsung dengan dua negara tetangga, yaitu Malaysia dan Singapura. Berdasarkan data statistik kota batam, perbandingan jumlah transit yang terjadi di Bandar udara hang nadim pada tahun 2013 sebanyak 62.757, kemudian pada tahun berikutnya meningkat hampir 4 kali lebih banyak yaitu sebanyak 217.529. JURNAL ILMIAH INFORMATIKA - VOL. 6 NO. 1 (2018) | ISSN (Print) 2337-8379 | ISSN (Online) 2615-1049

Sistem pendukung Keputusan
Data Mining
Pohon Keputusan
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