
Psychosocial burden as a result of the risk of decreasing income and the possibility of being laid off fromwork is a problem that must be faced by workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was aimedat analyzing predictors of psychosocial burden among workers during the co-19 pandemic period. A totalof 6,053 worker respondents were involved in this study. The psychosocial burden was reviewed basedon the worries level. There were 4 independent variables involved in the analysis, including age, gender,marital, and education. A multivariate test was performed using binary logistic regression. The results foundthat the workers in the ? 19 age group were 1.900 times more likely than the? 50 age group to experiencea psychosocial burden. The workers in the 40-49 age group were 1.523 times more likely than the ?50age group. Male workers were 0.693 times more likely than female workers to experience a psychosocialburden. The higher education workers were 0.563 times more likely than workers with secondary education.It could be concluded that the 3 variables were proven as predictors of the psychosocial burden amongworkers during the COVID-19 pandemic period in Indonesia, namely age, gender, and education.

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