
The rising numbers of the adolescents’ psychological disorders, on the background of limited investments and available psychological services, awake interest in schoolchildren’s psychological well-being.The goal of the study was to determine which sociodemographic and personality variables are significant predictors of the older schoolchildren’s different psychological well-being dimensions. The dimensions of Lithuanian older schoolchildren’s (N = 655, from 21 general and professional education schools) psychological well-being (autonomy (Cronbach’s α = 0.72), environmental mastery (α = 0.62), personal growth (α = 0.60), positive relations with others (α = 0.72), purpose in life (α = 0.67), and self-acceptance (α = 0.74)) were measured, and with the help of multiple linear regression, the psychological well-being was found not to depend on an family composition, living place (41.8% were from five biggest cities, 36.8% from region towns, 21.4% from villages), attendance of extracurricular activities. It wasn’t possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion concerning psychological well-being independence on gender (58% were girls), age, and economic resources. Boys had higher scores than girls in environmental mastery, purpose in life, and self-acceptance, 18-year-old schoolchildren had scored higher than younger ones in personal growth and purpose in life dimensions; the amount of money received for minor expenses had no relationship with the latter two dimensions of psychological well-being. The internal locus of control predicted higher psychological well-being. A higher learning success significantly positively predicted autonomy, personal growth, and purpose in life. Personality variables predicted schoolchildren’s psychological well-being stronger than did sociodemographic ones. Extraversion predicted higher psychological well-being in all six dimensions, and the consciousness factor positively impacted the environmental mastery and purpose in life scores. Emotional stability predicted higher environmental mastery, positive relations with others, and self-acceptance. Neuroticism was unrelated to autonomy and purpose in life. attention must be paid to the fact that the significant prognostic sociodemographic and personality variables analysed in the study accounted for only rather small amounts of psychological well-being dimension variance (from 16.5% in autonomy and personal growth to 28.6% in environmental mastery and positive relations with others).


  • The dimensions of Lithuanian older schoolchildren’s (N = 655, from 21 general and professional education schools) psychological well-being (autonomy (Cronbach’s α = 0.72), environmental mastery (α = 0.62), personal growth (α = 0.60), positive relations with others (α = 0.72), purpose in life (α = 0.67), and self-acceptance (α = 0.74)) were measured, and with the help of multiple linear regression the psychological well-being was found not to depend an family composition, living place (41.8% were from five biggest cities, 36.8% from region towns, 21.4% from villages), attendance of extracurricular activities

  • Boys had higher scores than girls in environmental mastery, purpose in life and self-acceptance, 18year-old schoolchildren had scored higher than younger ones in personal growth and purpose in life dimensions; the amount of money received for minor expenses had no relationship with the latter two dimensions of psychological well-being

  • Neuroticism was unrelated with autonomy and purpose in life. attention must be paid to the fact that the significant prognostic sociodemographic and personality variables analysed in the study accounted for only rather small amounts of psychological well-being dimension variance

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Albinas Bagdonas

Tyrimą finansavo Lietuvos mokslo taryba (sutarties Nr. SIN-11/2010) ir Vilniaus universiteto Specia­ liosios psichologijos laboratorija. Šalia visų išvardytų PG prognostinių kintamųjų į šį tyrimą taip pat buvo įtrauktas kontrolės lokusas, siekiant nustatyti asmeninių kontrolės įsitikinimų, kaip vieno iš kognityvių kintamųjų, kuris sulaukia daugiausia empirinio gerovės tyrėjų dėmesio (Lent, 2004), naudą prognozuojant mokinių PG. Apibendrinant, šio tyrimo tikslas – išsiaiškinti, kokie sociodemografiniai ir asmenybės kintamieji reikšmingai prognozuot­ų vyresnių klasių mokinių skirtingų psichologinės gerovės matmenų įverčius. Remiantis literatūros analize keliama hipotezė, kad Lietuvos vyresnių klasių mokinių PG matmenų įverčiai nepriklausys nuo klasės (amžiaus), lyties ir šeimos sudėties. Kad asmenybės kintamieji stipriau nei sociodemografiniai prognozuos mokinių PG: ekstraversija ir sąmoningumas reikšmingai prognozuos didesnę PG, o neurotiškumas – priešingai – mažesnę; atvirumas patirčiai ir sutariamumas nebus susiję su PG matmenimis. Prieš tyrimą dar buvo atsiklausta pačių mo-

Amžiaus vidurkis ir
Tyrimo rezultatai
PG matmuo
PG matmenų prognostiniai kintamieji
Konstanta Kontrolės lokusas Atvirumas patirčiai
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