
e11523 Background: DCIS is a heterogeneous pre-invasive carcinoma with a spectrum of clinical behavior. Patients with ER+ IC have better outcomes compared to ER- patients. FOXA1 and GATA 3 family of transcription factors have been shown to be associated with hormone receptors (ER and PR) and other variables of good prognosis with better overall and relapse-free survival rate. The specific aim of this study is to analyze the expression of these novel biological markers: FOXA1, GATA-3, with recognized markers: MIB-1(Ki-67) and HER2 /neu in DCIS patients with/without associated IC. Methods: Sixty-nine (69) cases of DCIS [(fifty two (52) cases in ER+; seventeen (17) in ER-] were retrieved from our Pathology database. The expressions of the biological markers are analyzed by using a panel of immunohistochemical stains. FOXA1, GATA 3, ER, PR are nuclear stains, a cumulative “H score” is derived based on proportionality (PS) and intensity scores (IS). A proliferation index (PI) is calculated for MIB-1 (Ki67) nuclear stain (low <10%, moderate 11–25%, high 26–50%, very high>50%). Her2/neu is scored as per guidelines for HercepTest (0, or 1+ =negative, 2+ =weakly positive, 3+ =strongly positive). Results: DCIS is categorized into low grade (LG) (nuclear grade 1 and 2), high grade (HG) (grade 3). In the HGDCIS (n=48), four (4) cases had IC after a mean of 7.75 years; three cases of recurrent DCIS after a mean 6 years. No recurrent IC or DCIS is seen in the LGDCIS (n=21) group. The results are shown in the Table . Conclusions: (1) Decreased expression of GATA 3 is observed in HGDCIS ER- group may be a contributor to higher recurrence observed in this group (14%) versus (0%) in ER+ group. (2) A strong expression of FOXA, GATA3, low Ki-67 index, absent Her 2 expression are characteristically seen in our ER+ DCIS group, as previously described in IC. 3. Comparing the response to therapy and outcome in the ER+ and ER- groups is on going. [Table: see text] No significant financial relationships to disclose.

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