
12075 Background: Women treated for cancer are more likely to fall than women without a cancer history. Exercise is a fall prevention strategy for older adults that we are testing in the GET FIT trial as a fall prevention approach in women cancer survivors. Increasing physical activity, though, could acutely increase the risk of falls in inactive survivors with known fall risk related to treatment. Knowing who might be at risk prior to beginning an exercise program would inform additional safety precautions during exercise. Methods: We conducted a secondary analysis of baseline data from the GET FIT trial that enrolled inactive, older women who had completed chemotherapy for cancer. Women completed objective (muscle strength, static postural control, range of motion, physical functioning) and self-report (fall history, comorbidities, presence of neuropathy symptoms, pain severity, depressive symptoms, cognitive functioning, perceptions of lower extremity functioning, disability, fear of falling, demographic, and clinical characteristics) measures at baseline. Falls were prospectively collected during the 6 month intervention using monthly self report. Potential predictors of falls were included if univariate tests revealed significant differences between fallers and non-fallers. To identify the strongest predictors of falls, we used an automated model selection and multimodel inference approach to perform an exhaustive model search. Results: Baseline data were available for 415 participants with known faller status at the end of the intervention, of whom 31.3% (n = 130) reported at least one fall. The average age of the sample was 62.1±6.4 years and consisted mostly of non-Hispanic white, married, highly educated, overweight or obese women treated for breast cancer. Fallers (1+ falls) and non-fallers significantly differed on measures of fall history, comorbidities, pain, neuropathy, fear of falling, disability, perceived lower extremity functioning, cognitive functioning, depression, and postural control. The best model of faller status (per BIC) included postural control (p = 0.004), perceived lower extremity functioning (p = 0.072), and fear of falling (p = 0.030). Odds of ≥1 fall during the intervention increased by 1.72 (95% CI: 1.05-2.83) times for a 0.1-point decrease in postural control, 1.11 (1.04-1.19) times for a 0.1-point increase in fear of falling, and 1.02 (1.00-1.03) times for a 1-point decrease in perceived lower extremity functioning. Conclusions: Women cancer survivors with poor balance, poor self-rated functioning, and a fear of falling may need to take additional fall precautions when starting an exercise program. Clinical trial information: NCT01635413.

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