
We retrospectively reviewed 72 anemic patients with myelofibrosis (MF; median age 68 years), who were JAK2 inhibitor-naïve at the time of study entry to a phase-1/2 momelotinib clinical trial. Driver mutation profile included JAK2 69%, CALR 17%, MPL 8%, and triple-negative 6%; other mutations included ASXL1 39% and SRSF2 17%. Momelotinib was administered at a median dose of 300 mg daily. Anemia response was assessed by formal criteria and documented in 44% of all patients with hemoglobin levels below the sex-adjusted reference range (n =72), 48% of those with hemoglobin <10g/dl (n =54), and 46% of those who were transfusion-dependent at the time of study entry (n =28). Anemia response was more likely with post-essential thrombocythemia MF (83% vs 37%; p=.001), lower serum ferritin (p=.003), and shorter time from diagnosis to momelotinib therapy (p= .001); the first two variables were also predictive in transfusion-dependent patients. Post-momelotinib median survival was 3.2 years; in univariate analysis, survival was superior in anemia responders (median 3.8 vs. 2.8 years; p=.14) and in the presence of type 1/like CALR mutation and inferior in the presence of age > 65 years, ASXL1/SRSF2 mutation, unfavorable karyotype, DIPSS-plus high risk, red cell transfusion need and higher serum ferritin. Multivariable analysis confirmed the favorable impact of anemia response on survival (p=.02; HR 0.5, 3/5/10-year survival; 69%/38%/25%). This survival advantage was also noted in transfusion-dependent patients (3.7 vs. 1.9 years; p=.01; HR 0.3) and appeared to be restricted to patients with an unfavorable genetic profile. The current study suggests a short-term survival benefit associated with anemia response in momelotinib-treated patients with MF.

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