
The purpose of this study was to evaluate psychological, biophysical, and sociodemographic variables as predictors of adherence to glatiramer acetate (Copaxone) therapy in individuals with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS). Because Copaxone is a daily subcutaneous injection, individuals with MS are challenged by the daily routine of preparation and administration of this medication. Despite the challenges, some individuals with MS adhere to treatment with injectable medications with little or no difficulty, while others struggle to adhere to, and soon abandon, the daily task. It is important to identify predictors of adherence to Copaxone therapy so those at risk can be identified early and provided with individualized support at the onset of therapy. Potential participants were identified from the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers North American Research Committee on Multiple Sclerosis Patient Registry database (n = 600) and from the Shared Solutions MS patient support database (n = 600). Individuals who had taken or stopped taking Copaxone were specifically selected. Those taking multiple immunomodulating drugs or not able to complete the data collection instruments were excluded. Booklets containing four instruments (MS Self-Efficacy Control and Function Subscales, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Herth Hope Index [HHI], and Performance Scale) and sociodemographic data sheets were mailed to 1,200 individuals. Of the 594 who completed and returned booklets, 341 individuals had relapsing-remitting MS and met the inclusion criteria. There were 225 individuals in the adherent group and 116 in the nonadherent group. Logistic regression analysis revealed four significant predictors of adherence: self-efficacy (control), hope, perception that the doctor was the most supportive of the individual taking Copaxone, and no previous use of other immunomodulators. The higher the score on the MS Self-Efficacy Control Subscale and HHI, the more likely the individual will adhere to Copaxone therapy. The MS Self-Efficacy Control Subscale and HHI show promise of being useful predictors of adherence. Further testing is recommended. Physician support should be conveyed to all individuals starting and maintaining Copaxone therapy for MS. Greater support needs to be provided to those who have previously taken immunomodulating drugs.

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