
Blackground. The issue of providing the increase of production of main agricultural crops inUkraine under conditions of environmental management requires the use of modern scientific approaches. The complexity of solving this problem lies in the lack of practical experience of applying modern information-analytical systems, where different methods for analysis and modeling of nonlinear non-stationary processes in crop production would be implemented simultaneously. The proposed methodology has the advantage of using the tools of SAS Enterprise Miner – software where a wide range of techniques are implemented, that should be used for predictive modeling of main agricultural crops according to the performed research.Objective. The goal of the study is in application of the integrated methods of analysis and predictive modeling of non-stationary processes for agricultural crop yield prediction using SAS Enterprise Miner tools.Methods. To solve the problems stated the following approaches were used: systems analysis, regression analysis, gradient boosting, probabilistic modeling and decision trees. The methodology for developing of crop yield prediction under influence of various groups of factors was offered, and the possibility of their use in decision support systems in agriculture was substantiated.Results. Based on the analysis of the works of domestic and foreign scientists it was proposed to improve methodology of development of yield prediction of main agricultural crops using integrated analysis methods, which were implemented in the system of SAS Enterprise Miner. The analysis of the obtained results was performed.Conclusions. Winter wheat and corn yield prediction was performed for the Forest-Steppe Zone using the developed methodic. Different methods of construction of models for prediction of the non-stationary processes were applied; the choice of the worthiest one was reasonably proved. Advanced information technologies, including SAS Enterprise Miner, were used for automatization the process of selecting the optimal model for investigated crop yield prediction.


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Метою роботи є удосконалення існуючих методик аналізу, математичного моделювання та прогнозування урожайності сільськогосподарських культур, основаних на використанні комбінацій різних методів, а також виконання обчислювальних експериментів з метою надання прикладів аналізу та прогнозування урожайності окремих сільськогосподарських культур за допомогою математичних моделей, розроблених із використанням сучасних інструментів SAS Enterprise Miner на основі статистичних даних

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