
We investigate the status of predictive fermion mass ansatzes which make use of the grand unification scale conditions $m_e=m_d/3$, $m_\mu =3m_s$, and $\mid V_{cb}\mid =\sqrt{m_{c}/m_{t}}$ in non-supersymmetric SO(10) grand unification. The gauge symmetry below an intermediate symmetry breaking scale $M_I$ is assumed to be that of the standard model with either one Higgs doublet or two Higgs doublets . We find in both cases that a maximum of 5 standard model parameters may be predicted within $1\sigma$ experimental ranges. We find that the standard model scenario predicts the low energy $\mid V_{cb}\mid$ to be in a range which includes its experimental mid-value 0.044 and which for a large top mass can extend to lower values than the range resulting in the supersymmetric case. In the two Higgs standard model case, we identify the regions of parameter space for which unification of the bottom quark and tau lepton Yukawa couplings is possible at grand unification scale. In fact, we find that unification of the top, bottom and tau Yukawa couplings is possible with the running b-quark mass within the $1\sigma$ preferred range $m_b=4.25\pm 0.1\, GeV$ provided $\alpha_{3c}(M_Z)$ is near the low end of its allowed range. In this case, one may make 6 predictions which include $\mid V_{cb}\mid$ within its $90\%$ confidence limits. However unless the running mass $m_b>4.4\, GeV$, third generation Yukawa coupling unification requires the top mass to be greater than

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