
The Plateau to River (P2R) Model is a groundwater flow and contaminant fate and transport (F&T) simulation model used to support remedial activities conducted by the Central Plateau Cleanup Company (CPCCo) at the Hanford Site in Washington State. The model simulates contaminants of concern within the saturated zone of the uppermost aquifer beneath the Central Plateau and downgradient to the Columbia River. The overall objective of the saturated zone modeling effort is to provide a basis for making informed remedial action decisions based on descriptions of current and expected future contaminant concentrations in groundwater at decision points within and downgradient of the Central Plateau of the Hanford Site. Specifically, the purpose of this environmental calculation file (ECF) is to describe an inventory sensitivity case of the CA base case. The inventory sensitivity case implements a change in the activity contribution from the vadose zone in the A Trenches Area model (for tritium (H-3) and iodine-129 (I-129)), BC Cribs and Trenches model (for I-129 and technetium-99 (Tc-99)), and the PUREX Area model (for H-3 and I-129). All other simulated inventories are identical to the CA base case. The simulation of F&T of contaminants reported in this case will support dose predictions as part of the Hanford Site CA.

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