
Abstract The typical complex orography of the Mediterranean coastal areas support the formation of the so-called back-building mesoscale convective systems (MCS) producing torrential rainfall often resulting in flash floods. As these events are usually very small-scaled and localized, they are hardly predictable from a hydrometeorological standpoint, frequently causing a significant amount of fatalities and socioeconomic damage. Liguria, a northwestern Italian region, is characterized by small catchments with very short hydrological response time and is thus extremely prone to the impacts of back-building MCSs. Indeed, Liguria has been hit by three intense back-building MCSs between 2011 and 2014, causing a total death toll of 20 people and several hundred millions of euros of damages. Consequently, it is necessary to use hydrometeorological forecasting frameworks coupling the finescale numerical weather prediction (NWP) outputs with rainfall–runoff models to provide timely and accurate streamflow forecasts. Concerning the aforementioned back-building MCS episodes that recently occurred in Liguria, this work assesses the predictive capability of a hydrometeorological forecasting framework composed by a kilometer-scale cloud-resolving NWP model (WRF), including a 6-h cycling 3DVAR assimilation of radar reflectivity and conventional weather stations data, a rainfall downscaling model [Rainfall Filtered Autoregressive Model (RainFARM)], and a fully distributed hydrological model (Continuum). A rich portfolio of WRF 3DVAR direct and indirect reflectivity operators has been explored to drive the meteorological component of the proposed forecasting framework. The results confirm the importance of rapidly refreshing and data intensive 3DVAR for improving the quantitative precipitation forecast, and, subsequently, the flash flood prediction in cases of back-building MCS events.

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