
We present radiation-driven wind models for Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs) and predict their mass-loss rates. We study the effects of lower masses and modified abundances in comparison to the normal OB supergiants, and we find that the main difference in mass loss is due to the lower masses of LBVs. In addition, we find that the increase in helium abundance changes the mass-loss properties by small amounts (up to about 0.2 dex in log ), while CNO processing is relatively unimportant for the mass-loss rate. A comparison between our mass loss predictions and the observations is performed for four relatively well-studied LBVs. The comparison shows that (i) the winds of LBVs are driven by radiation pressure on spectral lines, (ii) the variable mass loss behaviour of LBVs during their S Doradus-type variation cycles is explained by changes in the line driving efficiency, notably due to the recombination/ionisation of Fe iv/iii and Fe iii/ii, and finally, (iii) the winds of LBVs can be used to derive their masses, as exemplified by the case of AG Car, for which we derive a present-day mass of 35 .

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