
A well-designed brain-computer interface (BCI) can make accurate and reliable predictions of a user's state through the passive assessment of their brain activity; in turn, BCI can inform an adaptive system (such as artificial intelligence, or AI) to intelligently and optimally aid the user to maximize the human-machine team (HMT) performance. Various groupings of spectro-temporal neural features have shown to predict the same underlying cognitive state (e.g., workload) but vary in their accuracy to generalize across contexts, experimental manipulations, and beyond a single session. In our work we address an outstanding challenge in neuroergonomic research: we quantify if (how) identified neural features and a chosen modeling approach will generalize to various manipulations defined by the same underlying psychological construct, (multi)task cognitive workload. To do this, we train and test 20 different support vector machine (SVM) models, each given a subset of neural features as recommended from previous research or matching the capabilities of commercial devices. We compute each model's accuracy to predict which (monitoring, communications, tracking) and how many (one, two, or three) task(s) were completed simultaneously. Additionally, we investigate machine learning model accuracy to predict task(s) within- vs. between-sessions, all at the individual-level. Our results indicate gamma activity across all recording locations consistently outperformed all other subsets from the full model. Our work demonstrates that modelers must consider multiple types of manipulations which may each influence a common underlying psychological construct. We offer a novel and practical modeling solution for system designers to predict task through brain activity and suggest next steps in expanding our framework to further contribute to research and development in the neuroergonomics community. Further, we quantified the cost in model accuracy should one choose to deploy our BCI approach using a mobile EEG-systems with fewer electrodes-a practical recommendation from our work.

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