
Using the Coulomb and proximity potential model for deformed nuclei (CPPMDN) the half-lives of proton emissions have been predicted for even and odd Z nuclei in the heavy and superheavy region with Z = 100–136 . The half-lives are also evaluated using the Coulomb and proximity potential model (CPPM) of Santhosh et al., in which both the parent and daughter nuclei are treated as spherical. The Geiger-Nuttall law (G-N) is studied for all cases of proton radioactivity under study. From the observed variation of G-N plots with respect to the Z value of the proton emitter, we obtained a new relation for proton decay half-lives. Using this relation the half-life is evaluated for the experimentally detected 44 proton emitters and is found to agree with the experimental data with a standard deviation of 0.8083s. Also, the half-lives are recalculated for all proton emitters in the heavy and superheavy region using the relation we obtained and we found that the half-lives evaluated using CPPMDN are closer to those obtained using the new relation than CPPM. Through the predictions of decay half-lives of the proton emitters in the heavy and superheavy region, the present phenomenological approach can be used satisfactorily to study alpha decay, cluster radioactivity and proton radioactivity.

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