
The student counseling process is the spearhead of character development proclaimed by the government through education regulation number 20 of 2018 concerning strengthening character education. Counseling at the secondary school level carries out to attend to these problems that might resolve with a decision support system. So that makes research challenging to measure completion on target because it is not doing based on data. The counseling teacher does not know about student's mental and emotional health conditions, so it is often wrong to handle them. Therefore, we need a system that can recognize conditions and provide recommendations for managing problems and predicting students who have potential issues. The Algorithm used to predict problem students is K-Nearest Neighbor with a dataset of 100 students. The stages of predictive calculation are data collection, data cleaning, simulation, and accuracy evaluation. Meanwhile, building the system is done using the rapid application development methodology where the instrument used to map the student's condition is the Strenght and Difficulties Questionaire instrument. This research is a system to predict problem students with an accuracy rate of 83%. The level of user experience based on the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) results in the conclusion that the system reaches "Above Average.". This system is expecting to help counseling teachers implement an early warning system, help students know learning modalities, and help parents recognize the child's personality better.

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