
Radioresistant tumor cells are found in tumor specimens from patients in whom radiotherapy has failed or whose tumors have recurred after therapy. This suggests that inherent cellular radioresistance may in part underlie the failure of radiotherapy, and therefore determination of the presence of resistant cells within a tumor might be a useful predictor of response to radiation therapy. Most standard clonogenic assays of radiation response are time-consuming, and alternative assays of radiation response are being sought. In an earlier publication (J. L. Schwartz et al., Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 15, 907-912, 1988), we reported that radioresistant human tumor cells rejoin DNA double-strand breaks, as measured by DNA neutral filter elution (pH 9.6), faster than more sensitive cell lines. To determine whether DNA elution might have potential as a rapid predictive assay, we examined the relationship between the rate of DNA double-strand break rejoining and radiosensitivity in nine first-passage-after-explant squamous cell carcinomas under conditions that minimized the influence of nontumor and nonclonogenic cells. The frequency of DNA double-strand breaks measured 1 h after irradiation with 100 Gy 60Co gamma rays was used as an estimate of relative rejoining rate. This number is a reflection of both the initial DNA double-strand break frequency and the amount of repair that occurs in 1 h. The relative break frequency was compared to radiosensitivity as measured by standard clonogenic survival assays in later passages (p3-p14) of these same cells. A significant relationship (r = 0.61, P less than 0.01) was found between break frequency measured in first-passage cells and radiosensitivity measured in later passages, suggesting that the neutral elution assay as described here has some promise as a relatively rapid assay of the radiosensitivity of human tumor cells.

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