
Sony Corporation has an enormous impact on society these days. It’s a company majoring in technological innovation, with products like game consoles, cameras, headsets, and televisions. Most of them are the best in the business. With an income of 8,994 trillion yen in a single year, the massive company remains competitive around the globe. It would be essential to predict the future trend of a company that is still making contributions to the world. Expectations on the project is to predict Sony Stock Market. To achieve this goal, Long Short-Term Memory, known as LSTM and Linear Regression are implemented in the project. By first importing the data, dividing it into the training and testing set, and then creating LSTM and Linear Regression model, the result will be provided by the program. Using two models to predict the stock market made comparisons possible. According to the MSE (Mean Square Error), it’s safe to make the conclusion that LSTM is a more reliable way when predicting the stock market for Sony Corporation.

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